Second Locations

May 11, 2009

Life's Reflections Photography

May 9, 2009
Welcome to Life's Reflections Photography
Together we can preserve the fun and creativity for this milestone in your life. My photography style is a combination of traditional, candid, and creative angled shots. You'll enjoy looking through the eyes of an artist using digital photography. There are enough packages and extras with set prices to make it easy and fit your needs. I, also understand that each client has different needs, so I'm willing to serve your unique requests.

Wedding packages ...
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What do you envision?

Connie Petznik I've had a photography business for four years. Yet I've had an artist mind my whole life. For as long as I can remember I've wanted to create. My first remembrance of wanting to be a photographer is in high school when I had a teacher who recognized my talent and he was a fellow photographer photographer. My parents got me my first camera. It has been mentioned upon many occasion that people can tell that I really enjoy photography.

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